Friday, March 8, 2013

Electricity: The Army's Institutional Meth

Let’s face it, the Army is an energy hog.  In 2007 the amount of fuel required per soldier simply for electrical energy generation was approximately 10 gallons a day.[1]  When coupled with the fact that in 2007 there were 172,000 service members deployed, the amount of fuel needed for electrical generation is staggering.[2]  This should not be a surprise, though, as everything the Army does relies on electricity.  The walls and duty stations of our tactical operations centers glow with large-screen digital map displays, computer stations, and radio stacks.  When our soldiers leave the wire they carry a wide assortment of electronic gadgets necessary for their missions.  Our army runs on electricity.  Unfortunately, sustaining necessary amounts of electricity is difficult, as illustrated by the above fuel statistic.  The capability to generate and sustain required electrical energy is currently the Army’s most critical energy vulnerability.  Without electricity, the Army simply cannot operate.  As long as the Army struggles to provide sufficient electrical generation, or has to rely on outside sources for its electricity, it remains vulnerable.  The primary vulnerabilities include a reliance on often unreliable civil power infrastructure, a reliance on petroleum fuel for operational and expeditionary power generation, and a reliance on weight-intensive battery power which overburdens the warfighter.  The Army must address these vulnerabilities, whether through electrical self-reliance initiatives or emerging technologies.

 What TOCs used to look like

What TOCs look like now


The Army differentiates its energy requirements by dividing them into two categories: operational energy, which is “the energy and associated systems, information and processes required to train, move and sustain forces and systems for military operations,” and garrison energy, which is “the energy required to power Army bases and conduct Soldier training.”[3]  While they may differ in their outcomes, both operational and garrison energy are strikingly similar in requirements, especially when it comes to electrical energy.  Whether operational or garrison, the Army requires electrical energy to power its infrastructure.  This infrastructure includes necessary command systems networked across the globe between “garrison” training locations and “operational” forward headquarters.  It includes the power necessary for housing and sustaining the soldiers and families of Fort Irwin, as well as the power necessary for housing and sustaining the joint force and contractors at Bagram Air Base.  It includes the energy needed to charge the Fort Bragg Military Police’s trunked radio network as well as the energy needed to charge Able Company, 1-506 IN’s tactical radios at COP Yahyah Kheyl, Afghanistan. Whether needed for garrison or facility infrastructure, major systems, or for powering a soldier’s PVS-14s, the Army either has to generate that energy itself, or rely on an outside party for its generation.

Currently the Army relies on established power grids, mechanical power generation and battery power to meet its needs.  For “garrison” or “enduring infrastructure” power needs, the Army ties in to local power grids, often relying on the local civil power infrastructure.  Depending on the location of the installation, this power could come from a number of sources and could be at any state of functionality.  While the Army is moving towards energy independence for garrison power needs, the current method of electrical redundancy remains the use of back-up emergency generators, designed for only short-term use to power critical systems and capabilities.

Mechanical power generation refers to the use of combustion type engines and generators to produce electrical power.  This is the primary power generation method employed towards “operational” energy needs for systems and mobile infrastructure, and is almost entirely dependent on petroleum fuels.  Petroleum fuels have several shortcomings, including their non-renewable nature, the large amount of fuel needed to generate power, and the constant need to transport fuel from depot to end user.  The transportation of fuel to operational locations is costly in both blood and treasure, with over 3,000 personnel killed transporting fuel between 2003 and 2007.[4]  In addition to security concerns, simple variables such as weather and terrain affect the Army’s ability to deliver fuel to users to ensure electrical power.

For soldiers and their individual systems, generators and power grids cannot be carried around the battlefield, and are therefore not an option when conducting operations.  Today’s soldier carries a significant amount of electronics, and relies on battery power to ensure those electronics are functioning.[5]  But batteries, like power grids and generators, have significant limitations.  While some batteries are rechargeable, a separate power source is required to complete a recharge.  Most batteries remain single-use, and often electronics drain battery power completely after more than 6-8 hours of usage, causing the soldier to carry back-up batteries.  As well, batteries are subject to environmental conditions, with extreme cold and heat diminishing battery life.  Most importantly, though, is the problem of battery weight and soldier fighting loads:[6]

Compared to aircraft or ground vehicles, for example, a Warfighter on a three-day foot patrol in Afghanistan has a relatively small demand for energy, but that demand has been growing. Today, that Warfighter may carry more than 33 batteries, weighing up to 10 pounds, to power critical gear. By 2012, battery loads for the same mission are projected to increase to more than 50 batteries per soldier, weighing nearly 18 lbs.[7]

According to guidelines in ADRP 3-90, the more a soldier’s fighting load exceeds 30 percent of bodyweight, the less effective the soldier becomes in combat, especially past 45 percent bodyweight, or approximately 72 pounds[8].  Thus, a soldier’s batteries may comprise as much as 25 to 50 percent of his total fighting load.  As we add new technologies and new systems, this load will likely only increase, while the load bearing capacity of the soldier will only remain static.

How many more toys can we fit on this soldier?

The demand for technology-based operations is entrenched within the Army, and rightfully so.  Current and developing technologies enhance the Army’s inherent capabilities and give it a significant battlefield overmatch over adversaries.  But installations dependent on civil electrical infrastructure are vulnerable to natural outages, attacks on critical power infrastructure and even local and regional economic considerations.[9]  Operationally, should an enemy be able to interdict supply routes and convoys, or even destroy operational fuel storage facilities, the Army would be significantly degraded in its ability to conduct operations.[10]  Finally, the operational effectiveness of the Army ultimately resides in the ability of the soldier to close with and destroy the enemy.  If our soldiers are carrying fighting loads of over 45 percent bodyweight, a quarter of which is batteries, their effectiveness in closing with and destroying the enemy is dramatically degraded and the risk of soldier loss is dramatically increased. 

The Army is coming to terms with its dependence on electrical energy, and recognizes the serious vulnerability presented by that dependence.  While there is no single set of solutions available to completely rid the Army of its energy vulnerability, there are several options available which can significantly mitigate that vulnerability.  Regarding garrison and infrastructure energy requirements, the Army is moving towards a “Net Zero” goal which would make installations fully self-sufficient through the use of self-contained micro grids, developing solar technologies, and even potential nuclear power options.[11]  At some installations such as Ft. Irwin, Ft. Bliss and Ft. Hood, the Army has made significant investments in solar technologies as a means of achieving electrical self-sufficiency.[12] For operational systems and infrastructure, the Army is evaluating similar alternatives, including solar-energy-generating coatings for equipment and waste-to-energy processes.[13]  For soldier power solutions, the Army is also evaluating solar technologies as well as thermoelectric and motion-induction alternatives, as well as developing lighter and better battery technologies.[14]  Throughout the next decade the Army will likely see advancements in electrical generation technologies, but will doubtfully see significant benefit until the 2020s and into the 2030s.  Until then, the Army will continue to expend vast resources to protect and ensure its electrical energy sources, whether they be regional power grids or petroleum fuel sources and volatile supply lines, and ask its soldiers to bear ever-increasing loads of batteries; because the Army knows that without that electricity, it will not function.

[1] Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), US ArmyPower and Energy StrategyWhite Paper (US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, Ft. Monroe, VA, 2010) 2.

[2] While the number given here is deployed servicemembers versus deployed soldiers, the comparison is arguably still valid.  The amount of electricity required to support a deployed sailor versus that required to support the deployed soldier sitting next to him in a joint TOC is equal.  Deployed troop numbers as reported to Congress, see Amy Belasco, Troop Levelsin the Afghan and Iraq Wars, FY2001-FY2012: Cost and Other Potential Issues, (Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C, 2009) 9, Table 1.

[3] The United States Army 2012 Posture Statement (Headquarters, United States Army, 2012) 9.

[4] Energy for the Warfighter: Operational Energy Strategy (US Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., 2011) 5.

[5] See Steve Mapes, Soldier Power to the Edge (US Army, PM Soldier, PEO Soldier, 2012) 9.

[6] Ibid, 7.

[8] Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 3-90, Offense and Defense (US Army Training and Doctrine Command, Ft. Monroe, VA, 2012) 3-11, Paragraph 3-65.

[10] Ibid, 9.

[11] See the Samuel Booth, et al, Net Zero Energy Military Installations: AGuide to Assessment and Planning (US Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2010); for a more in-depth look at possible net zero energy solutions, see ARCIC, US ArmyPower and Energy Strategy White Paper, 12.

[12] The Ft. Irwin solar power system is still under development and anticipated to begin producing electricity this year, with an expected output of over 500MW, see Fort Irwin Solar Energy Enhanced Use Lease Fact Sheet (US Army Corps of Engineers and Clark Energy Group, 2011);.  Fort Bliss and Fort Hood are taking smaller measures, installing solar panels throughout the installations. See Kate Galbraith, At Fort Bliss and Fort HoodGoing Solar for Net Zero Energy Production (New York Times, 26 April, 2012).

[14] Ibid, 23. Also, Mapes, Soldier Power to the Edge, 15-22.

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