Sunday, January 27, 2013

The 5 W's (+H), in Russian

Yep, tonight we're going to get another quick Russian language lesson.
The 5 Ws are vitally important in life, because, well, they tell us all we need to know.

They are, Who, What, Where, When, and Why. The +H is How, but it's not as crucial as the W's, since we often don't need it.

So, in Russian you have:
Who = Кто (kto)
What = Что (This one is actually pronounced shto *as in што*, and not chto)
Where = Где (gdye)
When = Когда (kogda)
Why = Почему (pochemu)
How = Как (kak)

So, we can reasonably assume that if we encounter one of these words combined with a question mark, that whatever is sandwiched in between is the question being asked.

Ваня - Девушка, не подскажите, как попасть в метро? = Miss, could you tell me how to get to the metro?
Девушка - Да, с ума сошел, Ванька. Ведь здесь метро нет, а я твоя сестра! = Vanka, you nutcase.  There's never been a metro here, and I'm your sister!

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