Saturday, June 1, 2013

Someone should flog this blog... ger

Yes. I am ashamed of myself.

I have let this blog atrophy.  I'd like to say I have good reason for it; that I've been really busy with the now online portion of ILE; that I've been busy acclimating to New York culture and my new job. 

But in reality, I'm just being lazy.

So, as a mad recap of the last month or so...

Myself and Chaplain Steve Blackwell after graduation

I graduated the common core course at ILE, and quickly fled Alabama (apparently it's a trend for Elletts with a Hayden in their name to flee Alabama for better climes).  Granted, Huntsville is an island of modern sanity in the sea of all that is Alabama, but I was glad to get out.  Not least because I could be back with my family for two weeks.

And it was a wonderful, but very very fast two weeks.  I got to have fun with my kids, enjoy time with Mandy, and have a bit of a break from ILE madness.  We even went to Sea World.  Though, we were shocked to discover that the day we went was a field trip day and the park was closed to the public.  Fortunately, the very nice customer service rep let us go in and do all the stuff the field trip groups were doing, so we still got to see a lot of the cool stuff there.

Alas, the day came for me to leave and head to NY.  I went from Round Rock to Nashville, to Winchester, VA, and finally to West Point.  It wasn't a bad drive at all, though I arrived on Mothers' Day to find West Point crawling with families.  I mean, traffic backed up, people all over, parking lots overflowing... It was crazy.  People were waiting in line for a brunch like it was a Disneyland ride.

But alas, I am here. 

And in the interest of not making blog posts that are longer than your average book, I'll go ahead and end this one now.

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